Bachelorette Hometown Dates: He’s Nobody’s Brother

Hometowns!  My favorite episode of any Bachelor/Bachelorette season.  These episodes always produce some good drama and conversation points.  My favorite moment from last year, JoJo’s mom getting it straight from the bottle.

JoJo's mom

It’s always great to see the family dynamics of these contestants that we have grown to love, or hate.  Overprotective, or maybe just jealous siblings causing chaos.  Think back to Des’ brother on Sean Lowe’s season.  Parents trying to come to grips with their kids saying that they have “fallen in love” with the Bachelor or Bachelorette, even though they have only known them for a couple months and they have been sharing that time with many other contestant who also “love” the same person they do.  This episode always comes through.

So let’s take a look back at this most recent episode and determine some winners and losers.

As always, winners first:

Luke:  My dude.  It’s been well documented that this crop of contestants hasn’t been the strongest.  They basically all look the same.  Besides Chad, no one really made a strong villain push.  They seem to all like each other, which is super annoying.  And on their own, none of them really have a compelling personality.  This must have the producers worried about who will be the next Bachelor.  Chase?  The guy is a cardboard cutout!  Robby?  He’s isn’t very likable.  Pretty defensive, and insecure.  Plus, he still might have a girl back home.  Pass on Robby.  Jordan?  He would probably be good, but he is going to win, at least I think he is going to.  Luke?  Well, we still aren’t sure if he is physically capable of smiling or telling a joke.  But, he is good looking.  He is a war hero.  He is very romantic.  Great family.  There is a narrative there.  It might be in their best interest to dip back into prior seasons, or bring in an outsider, but if they are set on one of these 4 guys, I think Luke is your best bet.

It was interesting that they chose his date to be the last one of the episode.  Do you even Luke:JoJo heartremember what they did on Chase or Robby’s date?  Luke’s was very memorable, and very romantic.  The big family BBQ.  The beautiful Texas ranch.  The heart made of flowers!  It was a real life country music video!  Luke won a lot of viewers over with those romantic gestures.

Congrats Luke.  You might be the next bachelor!

Horses:  The past two weeks horses have been very prominent.  Both one-on-one dates in the previous week, Luke’s date this week, and Robby’s date this week.

pigs date

The pigs

Pigs tried to make a run last season, but the horses are really putting their stamp on this season of the bachelorette and don’t intend to give up their spot as the best farm animal for a date.

Russell Wilson:  You know who doesn’t like Aaron Rodgers?  Russell Wilson.  Their feud/rivalry has been well documented and is not foreign to most fans of the NFL.  So i’m sure that Ciara’s husband doesn’t mind that Aaron’s little brother is using his name to get on a reality tv dating show.  Or that pretty much the entire family is implying that Aaron has decided he doesn’t want to be part of the family.

You know Russ is loving this, which brings us to our losers.

Aaron real

Aaron Rodgers:  I guess technically he must be loser.  Even though in a way he is also a winner.  You know that one of the major selling points in casting Jordan was that he is the younger brother of one the best and most popular NFL QBs.  Superbowl champion and former MVPs aren’t common, and if you can’t get one on your show!  Wow, that would be great.  And!!! His girlfriend is Olivia Munn!  She seems pretty rad.  Even when reports started to leak out that Aaron would not be on the show, the tension and drama that created has been one of the most powerful underlying storylines.

Is Jordan his own man?  Did he just ride the coat tails of his older brother?  When Jordan gave up football, or to be more precise, when he gave up being on practice squads, did he do that to try and get out of the shadow of his brother?  To pave his own path?  Or was he really not that good and was only there in the first place because of his brother?

We didn’t really get any answers this week, but one thing is clear, the Rodgers brothers not name Aaron are making Aaron seem like the bad guy.  Yeah I’m looking at your Luke Rodgers!  luke rodgersMaybe it is accurate, but even if it is, it’s not a good look.  As far as I know Aaron hasn’t said a word about it, and why should he.  He is one of the top 2 or 3 QBs in the league!  Which is why I kinda think he might actually be a winner in all of this.  But, you know he is catching some major flack from his teammates in the locker room.  I’m sure every NFL player wants a younger brother to be a contestant on a reality TV show.

Chase:   SOOOOO BORING!  Why are you even here?  Robby, potentially broke-up with his girlfriend to get on the show.  Maybe is still kinda dating his ex?  That’s interesting.  Jordan.  He’s Aaron Rodger’s brother!  They don’t speak!  That’s interesting.  Luke.  All-American cowboy war hero.  Incredibly romantic date.  Great Texan family.  Awesome leather jackets.  Interesting!  And then there’s Chase.  Not a great week for Chase.  I hope that the producers are just messing with us and that Luke is staying and Chase is leaving.  If not, then it’s 100% sure that Jordan wins.

So that’s it.  Down to four contestants.  Fantasy suites.  Men tell all.  Hopefully Chad brings a new shirt for Evan.  And hopefully we get some Daniel time!  I miss you my Canadian brother!  Oh and I forgot about one last winner, US!  Because this show exists and we get two episodes next week!

Aaron celebrate

In league news, it’s McKenzie’s world, we just live in it.  The future Mrs. SnackBoy has extended her lead and made passing her impossible.  Congrats McKenzie, these last two weeks will be a fun victory lap for you.

One thought on “Bachelorette Hometown Dates: He’s Nobody’s Brother

  1. I feel like everyone in this episode needs some measure of therapy:

    Chase – because that divorce stuff is really weighing him down
    Jordan – because…well, I don’t trust him so he has credibility problems
    Robby – for being a raging co-dependent psycho
    Luke – to learn how to communicate effectively

    And, most of all, JoJo for having the most unrealistic dreams about marriage and happily ever after since Princess Di.


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